Alexander Technique, Pilates, Yoga

Caprice Boisvert teaches the Alexander Technique, the Pilates Method and Kripalu Yoga. Don’t come expecting to sweat. The focus is on learning how to move from a biomechanically sound perspective. Caprice can help you move well, improve your kinesthetic awareness, help you find internal support, and improve your flexibility. Move well and feel better.

I have a keen interest in anatomy, biomechanics, and how the body is designed to move.  I specialise in working with people who have movement issues. I have experience with scoliosis; hip replacement; knee replacement; tendonitis (RSI); Parkinson’s; stenosis; cerebral palsy; and a number of other conditions. I work with people both young and old, and many who have had limited success with their rehabilitation.


Caprice teaches privately in Toronto. She is located at:

Inhabit Pilates & Movement at 677 Dupont Street (a few steps west of Christie)
Private classes are available and can be booked online or by reaching out to the virtual Front Desk at Inhabit.

Annex RMT Physical Health Clinic at 1415 Bathurst Street, Suite 303 (south of St. Clair Avenue)
Appointments may be booked online: simply click on the link.

Please reach out via phone or email if you have questions about pilates or Alexander Technique lessons.

About Caprice

capriceboisvert headshot by dck may2014

Photograph courtesy Derek C Knight

Caprice works primarily as a teacher of the Alexander Technique, the Pilates Method, and Kripalu Yoga. Her path was somewhat circuitous. She started working in the fitness industry in 1991, but her focus gradually shifted towards wellness when she realised that people needed a more well-rounded approach. Her keen interest in anatomy and biomechanics sent her down a path to help people move better, focusing primarily on rehabilitation and movement re-education.

Caprice began practising yoga in 1999, when she fell in love with Kripalu yoga at the Kripalu Center in Lenox, Massachusetts. She went on to become a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher in 2005.

Caprice was certified to teach the Pilates Method by Susan Sinclair in 2004. Her certification was thorough and involved 650 hours of training, including: anatomy, observation, and supervised teaching. Caprice attended a number of master classes and workshops with Dianne Miller between 2004 and 2007, and completed several workshops with Karen Carlson and Marie-José Blom. She has been fortunate enough to attend workshops with three first-generation teachers: Mary Bowen, Lolita San Miguel, and Kathy Grant. When she started working with Sagrario Castilla in 2015, Caprice was exposed to more Ron Fletcher repertoire.

Caprice was first exposed to the Alexander Technique in 2003 and qualified as a teacher in 2012. She trained with Susan Sinclair in Toronto. During her training, she worked with Martha Fertman (Philadelphia), Sakiko Ishitsubo (Tokyo), Rosa Luisa Rossi (Zurich), and Peter Nobes (London). She is a teaching member of ATI (Alexander Technique International). Caprice regularly visits Paul Versteeg and Tessa Marwick (Amsterdam) for post-graduate work.  She has also studied how to combine Cranio-Sacral Therapy with Alexander Technique with Elke Mastwijk (Amsterdam), and considers this to be ongoing.

Caprice has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto.